Take Action: Put the Banks on Notice

Wall Street banks threw our economy into crisis. Bailing them out cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. It’s time to say enough, and send the banks a final notice. Since banks won’t rein themselves in, the government is going to have to do it. 

Fill Senator Dodd’s Dance Card!

The Wall Street bankers who drove our economy off a cliff are lobbying as hard as ever against financial reform. The fight now moves to the Senate where Senate Banking Chairman Chris Dodd is in charge. Bank lobbyists think that Dodd will “dance with the

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Wall Street Journal: When Greed is Not Good

Wall Street has quickly rediscovered the virtues of mammoth paychecks. Why hasn’t there been more financial reform? By ALAN S. BLINDER I hear Gordon Gekko is making a comeback. So is greed. They say markets are alternately ruled by greed and fear. Well, our panic-stricken