Heather Booth: Beware Frank Luntz’s Lies

AFR Director Heather Booth has a new column on the Huffinton Post exposing Frank Luntz’s lies about financial reform.  Here’s an excerpt from her post: Seen this ad from the “Committee for Truth in Politics”? If the name weren’t comical enough, the visuals are. But

The Main Street Brigade is Underway

The Main Street Brigade is a rapid response team, nationwide, that can be activated to protect our communities against just this kind of devastation. Right now, we are ALL vulnerable to the big banks, CEOs and Wall Street institutions whose irresponsibility and risky behavior caused

Regulating Derivatives and Shadow Markets

To get our economy back on track, we must regulate the financial instruments known as “derivatives.”  Derivatives are traded on Wall Street in secretive “shadow markets.”  These markets need to be brought into the light to secure financial safety for regular investors – folks depending

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AFR: Senator Dodd Makes Right Call to Move Forward

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: February 5, 2010 AFR: Dodd Makes Right Call To Move Forward Dodd’s Leadership Means Accountability for Wall St is Within Reach Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement regarding Senate Banking Chairman Chris Dodd’s decision to move

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Big Banks Cash in on Unemployed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: February 5, 2010 AFR: Big Banks Cash In On Unemployed Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement on the practice of big banks, like Citi, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, and Bank of America, of fleecing the unemployed

Watch AFR’s John Taylor on Fox Business News

John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), discussed the next wave of AIG bonuses on Fox Business News. In response to another guest’s hemming and hawing about what is appropriate compensation and how a salary is defined, John really made