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Daily Kos: Financial Reform and Exploding Toasters

Daily Kos recently blogged about our webinar with Professor Elizabeth Warren and AFR’s other efforts, including a new partner site to fight back against the Chamber of Commerce’s lies.  The blog entry says: In a conference call for Americans for Financial Reform this week, Elizabeth

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Sing Along: Bet Against the American Dream

Planet Money, This American Life and ProPublica have teamed up to bring us a story about Wall Street insiders who made millions betting against the American dream.  Watch the catchy Broadway tune about the story below, and visit for more info. ‘Bet Against The

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Rhode Island Consumers Stand Up for the CFPA

On Monday, April 12, 2010, Ocean State Action hosted a press conference with RIPIRG, Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE), Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), the Office of the Attorney General of RI and others, calling for the creation of an independent CFPA.  The

The Cost of Reform

Financial reform is making headlines – and appearing in the comics! By Joel Pett, USA Today From the Cartoonist Group. (Thanks to our friends at the Center for American Progress for sharing this with us.)

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Billionaires for Blunt

Billionaires for Blunt visited Ozark, Missouri Wednesday to greet Congressman Blunt at the Ozark Chamber of Commerce and thank him for continuing to support big banks, pharmaceutical giants, insurance companies, big coal, big oil and big tobacco, all at the expense of “hard-working” Missourians. Billionaire

Exploding Toasters and the Fight for Reform

On Tuesday, we hosted a successful webinar with Professor Elizabeth Warren, AFR Director Heather Booth, and Americans for Fairness in Lending.  Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for this exciting online event!  We had a great conversation and had tons of thoughtful

Stop the Chamber’s Lies

Tell the Chamber of Commerce and the Big Banks to stop lying about the CFPA! A new website is “declaring war” on the Chamber of Commerce, which has been spreading lies about the CFPA.  Watch the video and visit the site!

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Americans for Financial Reform Hit the Streets

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Advocates take advantage of Congressional recess to push for financial reform Washington, DC – Over this Congressional recess, Americans for Financial Reform, made up of more than 250 national, state and local consumer, labor, investor, civil rights, community, small business and senior citizen organizations

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Fact Check: Big Banks Must Pay Up

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The so-called $50 billion “bailout slush fund” would force big banks to pay not taxpayers Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform denounces the misstatements by opponents of reform – including Senators Shelby and DeMint – that have been spreading surrounding a measure in the Senate financial