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Providence Journal Editorial Endorses Volcker Rule

Rhode Island’s Providence Journal just released this Editorial supporting “the Volker Rule.”  It says: Wall Street should not again earn fortunes through reckless investing while loading the risks onto taxpayers. It’s time for new rules for this game, and no financial figure is better suited

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Americans 50+ Demand Protections from Financial Abuse

AARP recently commissioned a nationwide survey to understand public opinion on consumer financial protection issues. The results show nearly unanimous support for numerous consumer financial protections.  Click here to read the report. Here’s an excerpt from the AARP press release regarding this survey: The survey

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New York Times: Modest Reform Won’t Do It

A recent editorial in the New York Times talked about the need for sweeping financial reform in order to effectively deal with the nation’s economic problems, and the hurdles that reform legislation must face as it moves through the Senate.  It said: Nearly a year

Congressman Maffei: We Need a CFPA

Congressman Dan Meffei (D-NY) recently spoke up on behalf of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency and increased consumer protections in a radio interview with the Rochester-based station WXXI.  The report from the interview says: Maffei was in Rochester earlier this week, to promote new rules

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AFR Strongly Supports an Independent CFPA

AFR sent the following letter to Chairman Dodd and other members of the Senate Banking Committee on February 19, 2010: The Honorable Christopher Dodd Chairman Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairman Dodd: The undersigned consumer, civil rights, labor and community