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Politico: Left Lends Support to President Obama recently posted an article about President Obama’s new proposals to rein in Wall Street, and mentioned the efforts of Americans for Financial Reform, especially in generating petitions and letters to Congress. “But those who like the new populist turn in Obama’s style were quick

Report: Main Street Businesses Support Wall Street Reforms

Survey finds small business owners support financial reforms, consumer protection agency ** Report posted online at ** Washington, DC – Today, the Main Street Alliance released a new report highlighting impacts of the financial crisis on small businesses and a snapshot of Main Street

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Iowa has a message for big banks

NPA affiliate Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement held a “Showdown in Des Moines” on Tuesday: Wells Fargo just announced record-breaking profits, we expect another big bonus year while the rest of us face cuts.  Hundreds of members of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI) went

Suze Orman: The Banks Don’t Want to Deal

Financial advisor Suze Orman spoke with CNN reporter Campbell Brown yesterday about stimulus money, mortgage relief, and the problems caused by the big banks. When asked about mortgages and the troubles faced by homeowners, Orman said “I have to tell you, while it’s easy for

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NYT: Restarting Financial Reform

The New York Times published this editorial supporting President Obama’s proposal to break up the big banks.  Here is an excerpt: In calling for new limits on the size and activities of big banks, President Obama has given the effort to enact serious financial regulatory