AFR: Improve the Senate Offer on Consumer Protection Agency
June 23, 2010 Dear House Conferee: While the Senate offer on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is generally good for consumers, there are a number of outstanding issues that need further enhancement. Our priorities for improving the Senate offer are as follows: Consumer Financial Protection

House Conferees Support Strong Derivatives Reform (PDF)
Read their letter to Senator Dodd and Chairman Frank.

Delaware Supports Financial Reform
Rashmi Rangan, member of AFR’s coalition in DE, delivers AFR petition to Meghan Bowman of US Rep. Michael Castle’s Wilmington office.

Audio: New Poll Shows Strong Momentum for Wall Street Reform
Americans for Financial Reform unveiled new numbers showing strong momentum behind finishing Wall Street reform now and members who support loopholes for big banks do not have the high ground. Listen here.

AFR to Conference: Retain Strong Senate/Base Text Derivatives Language
June 23, 2010 To Members of the H.R. 4173 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 Conference Committee Washington, DC 20510 Re: Retain Strong Senate/Base text Derivatives Language Dear Conferee: We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of over 250

New Poll Shows Strong Support for Wall Street Reform
June 24, 2010 A new nationwide Lake Research Partners survey shows that voters overwhelmingly support Wall Street reform legislation that will crack down on Wall Street and rein in big bank abuses. Additionally, this is a voting issue. More than 3 out of 4 voters say they

AFR Outlines Growing Evidence of Public Demand for Wall Street Reform
**PRESS CONFERENCE CALL, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 11 AM ET** New Polling Data Discussed As Congress Finishes Work on Financial Reform Washington, DC – As the United States Supreme Court considers gutting response to last major financial meltdown, on Thursday, June 23 at 11

Congress Must Protect Investors: Restore Provisions Weakened in the Senate Counter-Offer
Protect Investors: Restore Provisions Weakened in the Senate Counter-Offer Dear Conferee: Yesterday, Senate conferees approved a counter-offer on broker-dealer fiduciary duty that offers the illusion of investor protection, but not the reality. Senate conferees also approved a sweeping preemption of securities regulation that not only

New Yorkers for Responsible Lending Urge Strong Regulation of the $600 Trillion Derivatives Market
June 23, 2010 Members of the New York Delegation United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20510 Members of the New York Delegation United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator/Representative: We the undersigned members of New Yorkers for Responsible Lending write to urge you