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Pay Up and Shut Up

A pay-up and shut-up deal for the banks By Philip Stephens Published: January 31 2011 19:50 | Last updated: January 31 2011 19:50 It is time to make Britain’s banks an offer they cannot refuse. Politicians, regulators and the media promise to shut up about

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Halfway to the CFPB

Halfway to the CFPB: An AFR Progress Report on “Standing Up” the New Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Summary: CFPB Implementation Team staff are making significant progress in their efforts to both build an effective agency and be ready to perform required functions by the transfer

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Executive Actions on Foreclosures

Read our PDF Version Here EXECUTIVE ACTIONS TO PREVENT AVOIDABLE FORECLOSURES AND BOOST THE ECONOMY Servicers should be required to make cost effective loan modifications and these should include principal reductions. When a loan modification will produce a greater or equal return for an investor

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NCRC Files Fair Lending Complaints Against FHA Lenders

Dear Colleagues, The National Community Reinvestment Coalition has filed twenty two fair lending complaints to the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity challenging FHA lenders discriminatory policies and practices that prohibits people of color and credit

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AFR Letter on Transparency in the Forex Market

View the PDF version here ——————————————————————————————————————————– Americans for Financial Reform 1629 K St NW, 10th Floor, Washington, DC, 20006 202.466.1885 February 10th. 2011 The Honorable Timothy Geithner Secretary United States Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220 CC: Chairman Gary Gensler,

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HUD Confronted on Foreclosure Relief Program

For more information contact John Dodds, Philadelphia Unemployment Project 267-975-4706, Lew Finfer, MA Communities Action Network/PICO National Network, 617-470-2912 HUD Confronted on Foreclosure Relief Program Organizations call for action to implement Emergency Homeowner Loan Program – Meet with HUD officials Tuesday Philadelphia, PA – Over