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Huffpost Hill – Congress Still Targeting Olds

Huffpost Hill – Congress Still Targeting Olds Huffington Post July 20, 2011 “OCC Still a Sick Joke Masquerading as a Federal Agency – Remember when all those state regulators wanted to crack down on predatory lending in, like, 2004? And remember when the OCC stepped

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AFR Statement on Nomination of Rich Cordray to Lead the CFPB

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    July 18, 2011                                        CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854           AFR Statement on Announcement of Richard Cordray to Lead the CFPB Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong

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Elizabeth Warren‘s Summer Grilling

Elizabeth Warren‘s Summer Grilling Gary Rivlin (The Daily Beast) July 14, 2011 ―Summer is the season of reruns, so anyone tuning in this morning to watch the latest appearance of Elizabeth Warren on Capitol Hill can be forgiven for thinking they‘ve seen this show before.

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AFR Prudential Regulators Comment Letter

The prudential regulators’ proposed rules on margin and capital requirements must be strengthened. There are several areas which could be improved upon, particularly the calculation and collection of margin must be improved. The suggested revisions would further help to reduce systemic risk in swaps transactions, which is the ultimate goal of the measures.

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AFR to CFTC: Margin and Capital Requirements Comment

The CFTC’s proposed rules on margin and capital requirements must be substantially strengthened. Specifically, the process of collecting margin must be generally improved, both in terms of quantity and quality required. The suggested revisions would not only improve the overall effectiveness of the rules, but also the fairness, as the proposed rules seems to favor swap dealers.

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AFR to Senate: Oppose H.R. 1062

Read our letter urging the Senate to oppose the “Burdensome Data Collection Relief Act”, H.R. 1062, which would protect overpaid CEOs from embarrassment by allowing them to hide shameful pay disparities within companies.