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AFR Press Statement: President Obama’s FY 2013 Budget

“President Obama’s FY 2013 budget request would increase the CFTC budget to $308 million…also increases funding for the SEC to $1.566 billion…AFR strongly supports the increased funding levels, and believes that adequate funding for these regulators is vital to holding Wall Street accountable, and preventing another financial crisis. Huge volumes of hidden and un-backed derivatives trades were a key cause of the financial crisis. …With millions of Americans still out of work, more than $8 trillion lost in home values and retirement savings, and millions of foreclosures it could not be clearer that Wall Street must not be allowed to gamble in the shadows.”

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AFR in the News: Corporate Groups Seek SEC Roundtable on Pay Ratio Disclosure

“A coalition of corporate organizations has asked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to hold a roundtable before proposing rules to implement the CEO-employee pay ratio disclosure mandate of Section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Act. …In response, the Americans for Financial Reform (AFR), a group that includes the AFL-CIO and other supporters of Section 953(b), argues that the business coalition’s request for a roundtable is an attempt ‘to stifle the rule, not to enhance the rulemaking process.’”

Tell the CFTC: Don’t Let Big Banks Make Taxpayer-Backed Bets

The “Volcker Rule” is a part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill that bans banks and other large, critical financial institutions from making risky, speculative bets using taxpayer backed funds – a practice called “proprietary trading.” Tell the financial regulators to write a strong “Volcker Rule” and end excessive speculation at big Wall Street banks that puts the public at risk.

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AFR Letter: Oppose HR 3283

AFR sent a letter to members of congress urging them to reject HR 3283, a bill that would exempt foreign affiliates of U.S. banks from all the major protections against derivative risks contained in Title VII of Dodd-Frank.