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More than 50 Organizations and Individuals Sign Letter of Opposition to S. 3468

AFR joined more than 50 organizations and individuals in signing onto a letter opposing S. 3468. The Independent Regulatory Analysis Act (S.3468) is a far-ranging proposal that would create major changes and lead to significant delays in the work of independent agencies. As all the major financial regulatory agencies are independent agencies this would have a profound effect on the progress of financial reform at agencies ranging from the Federal Reserve to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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AFR Press Statement: SEC JOBS Act Proposal Fails to Address Investor Safety Concerns

Earlier today, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted 4-1 to issue a proposed rule implementing the provision of the JOBS Act that allows the “general solicitation and advertising” (GS&A) of private stock offerings. Commissioner Luis Aguilar voted against releasing the proposal, pointing out that it did not include any of the enhanced protections suggested by commenters (such as CFA and AFR) to address the significantly increased investor vulnerability that will result from lifting the long-standing ban on these practices.

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AFR Comment Letter: CFTC Derivatives Rules Must Apply to Foreign Affiliates

AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFTC regarding a rule that will determine whether the CFTC can regulate derivatives trading by foreign affiliates of US banks and corporations. Since derivatives trades move easily around the world and between affiliates and the parent company, it is important that US regulators be able to apply Dodd-Frank to such foreign trades. Our letter urged the CFTC not to let financial institutions escape derivatives rules by funneling transactions through their foreign affiliates.

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Sign on Letter: JOBS Act Rulemaking Raises Complex Concerns

The JOBS Act rulemaking on the SEC’s schedule Aug. 22 raises a variety of complex issues that demand a full and transparent rulemaking process. The rushed approach to rulemaking reportedly contemplated by the agency would not allow for full consideration of these issues, and would therefore put investors at risk.