Comments on Wells Fargo CRA Exam
Servicing and Mortgage Problems
AFR joins 10 housing groups in asking OCC to downgrade Wells Fargo for its harmful mortgage and loan servicing practices.
AFR joins 10 housing groups in asking OCC to downgrade Wells Fargo for its harmful mortgage and loan servicing practices.
OCC is asked to downgrade the bank over its Direct Deposit Advance loan product.
Joint letter calls on Senate to approve Reed amendment giving enforcement authority to federal and state agencies.
AFR wrote to prudential regulators concerning margin requirements for uncleared swaps, calling for the strengths in the current proposal to be maintained and also for the proposal to be improved in a number of areas.
FHFA’s proposal to charge more in states with consumer protections has elicited letters of strong opposition from housing and consumer advocates, members of Congress, legal and policy experts, Attorneys General, state legislators, and others.
In a joint letter, AFR and allied organizations challenge FHFA plan to charge higher guarantee fees in states with strong consumer protection laws.
Treasury, says AFR’s Marcus Stanley, has decided to exempt “a significant derivatives market from key Dodd-Frank reforms meant to protect the public from financial instability.”
“It was created… to protect families and the market from dangerous or explosive loans, the same way the Consumer Product Safety Commission protects against explosive toasters.”
“What alarms me most,” says MIT’s John Parsons, “is the narrow scope of the questions that the Staff posed, even had they bothered to do a thorough analysis of those questions.”
In a letter to the Senate, 40 organizations ask the Senate to reject an amendment granting a legal safe harbor to all QM lenders.