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Protect Retirement Savings: Let the Department of Labor Do Its Job

AFR joined AARP, AFL-CIO, Consumer Federation of America, Demos, Pension Rights Center, Public Citizen, and U.S. PIRG in sending a letter to members of the Senate urging them not to sign a letter being circulated by Senator Tester attempting to stop a Department of Labor rule making to protect retirement savings by closing gaps and loopholes in fiduciary duty requirements in connection with ERISA funds.

Protecting Retirement Savings: The Case for Modernizing Advice

In today’s workplaces, retirement-fund advice typically comes from broker-dealers who are free to put their own financial interests ahead of the interests of employees. Because they often do, many workers make investment decisions that cost them tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over

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AFR in the News: Looking Back at the CFPB’s Track Record

With the confirmation battle ended, the Columbus Dispatch paused to reflect on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s accomplishments. “It’s off to a really good start,” AFR’s Lisa Donner told the Dispatch’s Jessica Wehrman. “But there’s a whole lot of work left to be done.”

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Municipalities Deserve Honest Investment Advice, AFR Tells Senate

AFR joined the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Consumer Federation of America, SEIU, and U.S. PIRG in sending a letter to the Senate opposing S. 710. S. 710 would weaken accountability for financial advice to municipalities, harm communities, and is unnecessary given the exemptions that already exist in the law and the authority of the SEC to address any outstanding issues.

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AFR in the News: Key Senate Vote for Cordray Confirmation

By 71 to 29, the Senate has agreed to end debate and allow a vote on the nomination of Richard Cordray as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. That vote “will remove the threat of legal challenges to the bureau’s rules and enforcement actions,” Bloomberg reports.

A Confirmed Director at Last

“Under Rich Cordray’s leadership, the Bureau has begun to make a difference for consumers. Now it’s here to stay. It can continue its important work, with its authority and independence intact. That’s terrific news for American families, and for the American economy.”