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Support Investor Protections, Oppose HR 2374

This legislation would prevent the Department of Labor from addressing flaws in protections for retirement savings, protections that have not been updated for almost forty years. It would also delay efforts of the Securities and Exchange Commission to raise the standard of conduct that applies to brokers when they give advice to retail investors.

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“Opening Wall Street’s Black Box” – Pathways to Improved Financial Transparency

After the 2008 crisis, it became clear that regulators and many sophisticated market participants had been kept in the dark about major risks and exposures in our financial system. On October 11, 2013, AFR and Georgetown Law Center co-hosted this half-day conference on the progress made – and the work that remains to be done – toward meaningful transparency on Wall Street.

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SEC Moves Forward on Municipal Finance Abuses

“For too many years, dealers and advisors in the municipal market have felt free to give self-serving advice designed to generate more profits for them at the expense of their clients… Properly implemented, [today’s rule] should curtail the abuse and provide enormous benefits for taxpayers and investors.”