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AFR Applauds CFPB’s Steps to Increase Fairness and Transparency in the Auto Lending Markets

AFR applauds CFPB steps to bring greater fairness and transparency to the auto lending market, which they did today by hosting a field hearing focused on auto finance issues. The CFPB also announced details on a proposed rule to bring auto lenders under its oversight; a crucial step toward creating a fairer and more transparent auto lending market for consumers.

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AFR Opposes HR 4, Urges Congress to Protect Investors

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to reject HR 4, “Jobs for America Act,” focusing in particular on the portion of the bill that would roll back new registration and reporting requirements for private equity fund advisors that have already uncovered widespread abuses by the industry.

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AFR Calls for Restrictions on Wall Street Executive Pay and Bonuses

AFR submitted a comment letter to federal regulators urging that they impose strong restrictions on Wall Street executive pay and bonuses to ensure that they do not create incentives to take inappropriate short-term risks. This should be made a critical priority, given the role of pay in creating the incentives that led to the 2008 financial crisis.

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How Does a Do-Nothing Congress Occupy Its Time?

This week, with Congress’s most unproductive session in modern memory nearing an end, the House of Representatives will take up an array of measures to deregulate Wall Street – measures for which there is close to zero voter support. If all goes according to its leaders’ plans, the House will debate and approve three separate legislative packages containing dozens of proposals to reverse or impede the financial reforms adopted after the 2008 crisis, or to throw procedural roadblocks of a broader kind in the way of the already slow process of adopting financial as well as health, safety and environmental regulations.

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AFR Urges Congress to Reject HR 5405 and the Insurance Capital Standards Act of 2014

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging that they oppose HR 5405 and The Insurance Capital Standards Act of 2014. These pieces of legislation include numerous technical changes that could have significant impacts on regulators ability to enforce new financial rules, and they deserve full debate and consideration from regulatory experts before being passed under suspension of the rules.

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AFR Comment Letter to CFPB on Request for Input on Mobile Financial Services

AFR offered comments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in response to their Request for Input on how consumers are using mobile financial services to access products and services, and manage finances. While mobile technology can enhance access to safer and more affordable technology for consumers, benefits will only be seen if technological systems are safe, fair, and honest. Regulators can help consumers—as well as those in industry—by establishing strong minimum standards.