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AFR in the News: Inside the NY Federal Reserve (BBC)

“There are really two elements to this story,” Marcus Stanley of Americans for Finance Reform said. “One is the internal Federal Reserve self-evaluation… that did say that Federal Reserve supervisors tended to be overly deferential to the banks that they supervise [and] tended to be reluctant to take action and reluctant to raise strong criticisms. And then… you get these tapes made by Carmen Segarra which appear to show this exact sort of deferential behavior.”

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AFR and More Than 50 U.S. and International Groups Warn that TTIP Could Undermine Financial Reform

In a letter to U.S. and EU trade negotiators and finance ministers, more than 50 civil society groups on both sides of the Atlantic have come together to warn that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) currently under discussion could undermine new financial regulations and potentially create significant risks to the global financial system, as well as to investors and consumers.

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AFR Welcomes New Military Lending Act Rules

We urge the Department of Defense to proceed expeditiously to finalize and implement this new proposal, which would carry out the MLA’s clear intent by providing broad protection for servicemembers against loans designed to lead them into a cycle of debt. We hope to see the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau move forward with its own rulemaking process soon in this important area.

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AFR in the News: Court Ruling Strengthens Swap Rules Overseas (Bloomberg)

“Marcus Stanley, policy director for Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition including the AFL-CIO labor federation, said the decision should bolster the agency’s efforts to curb recent steps by Wall Street to escape Dodd-Frank by shifting their overseas trading operations. ‘I really hope that this decision is going to stiffen the CFTC’s backbone,’ Stanley said in a phone interview.”

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AFR in the News: House Votes to Audit Fed and Deregulate Wall Street (Huffington Post)

Although the GOP is eager to expose the Fed’s dealings with big banks, it is equally anxious to dole out favors to financial operators… One deregulation bill, H.R. 5405, would exempt a significant swath of the market for derivatives — the complex financial products at the heart of the 2008 meltdown — from Dodd-Frank’s new trading rules. Americans for Financial Reform, the leading voice for Wall Street accountability on Capitol Hill, came out strong against H.R. 5405 and the other deregulation bill, H.R. 5461.

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AFR Applauds CFPB’s Steps to Increase Fairness and Transparency in the Auto Lending Markets

AFR applauds CFPB steps to bring greater fairness and transparency to the auto lending market, which they did today by hosting a field hearing focused on auto finance issues. The CFPB also announced details on a proposed rule to bring auto lenders under its oversight; a crucial step toward creating a fairer and more transparent auto lending market for consumers.