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AFR in the News: ‘Flash crash” charges spark alarm over regulation of US markets (Financial Times)

“Marcus Stanley of Americans for Financial Reform… said Mr Sarao’s arrest highlighted the weakness of regulation and fragmented markets. ‘If your kid is playing around in your house and the floor collapses, is the problem that the kid was jumping up and down or that your house was built badly? You should have a structure that should withstand this kind of thing,’ he said.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR, 45 Organizations Urge Opposition to HR 970, S 559, Legislation Harmful to Students and Taxpayers

“…we write to convey our strong opposition to the “Supporting Academic Freedom through Regulatory Relief Act” (HR 970, S 559). In particular, we oppose these bills because they repeal the gainful employment regulation and create new loopholes in the federal ban on incentive compensation, harming both students and taxpayers.”

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AFR Statement: The Trans Pacific Partnership, Fast Track and Financial Regulation

“The expansion of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) under the TPP poses a significant threat to financial regulations being put in place in the US and around the world in the wake of the financial crisis. It could allow financial companies to challenge new rules put in place to protect consumers and investors or ensure the stability of the financial system, and force U.S. taxpayers to pay for any losses in profits claimed due to these rules.”

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AFR in the News: Clinton’s populist theme heartens liberal donors (Washington Post)

“During her debut swing through Iowa this week, the former secretary of state pledged to promote a progressive agenda, stressing that ‘the deck is stacked in favor of those already at the top.’ That language struck a chord with members of [the Democracy Alliance]… [T]he organization is urging donors to contribute to an expanded suite of advocacy groups and think tanks devoted to economic inequality including Americans for Financial Reform, the Economic Policy Institute and the National Employment Law Project.”

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AFR Statement: Elizabeth Warren Lays Out the “Unfinished Business” of Financial Reform

“Americans for Financial Reform has steadily advocated for many of the policy ideas outlined in her speech, and applauds this heightened push to advance them… Even more important, we support Senator Warren’s call for a renewed effort both to carry out the Dodd-Frank reforms and, based on the lessons of the implementation process up to now, move beyond ‘technocratic’ measures that can be easy for the biggest banks to outmaneuver toward a more ‘structural’ approach and the promise of a fundamentally simpler, safer and fairer financial system.”

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AFR in the News: How Warren’s Banking Agenda Could Influence Clinton (American Banker)

“Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, said Warren’s speech lays ‘down the gauntlet for people in terms of taking specific, strong steps — including steps that go beyond Dodd-Frank — to reform Wall Street. That’s very meaningful in terms of the challenge it puts to people to say whether they’re in favor of that or not,’ he said.”

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Joint Statement: AFR and 40 Major Groups Applaud Public Release of DOL’s Proposal to Protect Americans’ Retirement Savings

“Members of the coalition and a diverse collection of public interest groups, civil rights leaders, labor unions, professional organizations and others today commended the public release of the Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed rule to protect Americans from conflicts of interest when brokers and other financial advisers give retirement investment advice.”