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AFR in the News: House Dems Back Away from Effort to Turn CFPB Into a Commission (Huffington Post)

It’s “a form of agency leadership that has been shown again and again to produce weak regulation and enforcement at best, and partisan gridlock at worst,” said Jim Lardner of AFR. “The commission idea is being promoted by an alliance of financial industry lobbyists and lawmakers who have been out to undermine the Bureau’s effectiveness ever since they failed to block its creation.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR Joins 14 Organizations in Opposition to HR 3192, Legislation Harmful to Homeowners

“We are writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 3192, which insulates lenders from accountability when they make misleading disclosures to homeowners. The bill, which suspends liability to individuals and government for the first four months after the new mortgage disclosure rules take effect, undermines compliance with the new rules by letting lenders off the hook even where homeowners have been harmed. “

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Letter to Regulators: AFR Encourages Treasury to Monitor Peer to Peer Lending

“Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) is pleased to submit these responses to the RFI issued by the Department of the Treasury. The extraordinary diversity of on-line lending models and the rapid growth of the sector mean that continued monitoring will be necessary and the sector will likely fall into the purview of multiple regulators. We encourage the Treasury Department to remain active in determining the appropriate regulatory models, and we will further examine the responses to this RFI with interest to evaluate what types of regulation seem appropriate.”

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AFR Statement: Three Bad Bills Get Committee’s OK, But Fail to Win Broad Support

“The committee’s approval of these bills had not been in doubt. In fact, there had been speculation that in one or more cases, a substantial number of Democrats might join the Republican majority in their support. But that did not happen… HR 414 passed on a straight party-line vote, while HR 1090 won the backing of only a single Democrat… and HR 1266 just two… That qualifies as a victory.”

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AFR Statement: CFPB’s Defenders Hold the Line in Financial Services Committee

“Industry forces made a big effort to win more Democratic votes. But in the end, they fell short: the Financial Services Committee approved HR 1266, but in a largely partisan vote that dimmed its prospects for becoming law. With their hard push, however, the bill’s backers made it very clear just who is pushing for a commission instead of a single director, and why.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR Supports Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule, Opposes HR 414

“On behalf of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR), we are writing in opposition to HR 414, the “Burdensome Data Collection Relief Act”. This legislation would eliminate the requirement in Section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Act that firms publicly disclose the ratio between the pay of their chief executive officer and the pay of the median worker at the firm. The SEC has recently completed the rulemaking to implement this rule, and investors and the public are now anticipating that that important data will become available. “

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Letter to Congress: AFR Joins 26 Organizations in Supporting Investors, Opposing HR 1090

“We are writing as organizations that strongly support the Department of Labor’s (DOL) efforts to strengthen protections for working families and retirees by requiring the financial professionals they turn to for retirement investment advice to act in their best interests. As such, we oppose H.R. 1090, the misnamed “Retail Investor Protection Act,” and urge you to vote NO when the bill comes up for a vote in the Financial Services Committee. “