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AFR in the News: Coalition calls for banking services at USPS

“The Post Office is not generally where you go to get a paycheck cashed, but the Campaign for Postal Banking wants to change that. A coalition of industry and community stakeholders, the Campaign delivered petitions with more than 150,000 signatures to the U.S. Postal Service headquarters on Dec. 17, asking Postmaster General Megan Brennan to establish some financial services in post offices around the nation.”

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Joint Press Release: Newly Unsealed Documents Expose Ugly Details Of Scott Tucker’s Payday Lending Scheme

“Public Justice, working as counsel to Americans for Financial Reform, announced today that it has won a motion to unseal court documents showing how AMG Services, Inc., the payday lending business owned by magnate Scott Tucker, deceived borrowers about the total amount their loans would cost. The carefully orchestrated scheme netted Tucker and his associates at least $1.32 billion out of the pockets of hard-pressed borrowers.”

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AFR Statement: Wall Street Loses – The Rest of Us Win

“The omnibus government spending bill made public this morning did not include the dangerous financial deregulatory riders that Wall Street and its allies had been promoting. Financial industry lobbyists and their friends in Congress pushed hard to use this ‘must pass’ legislation to achieve a number of unrelated, unpopular, and destructive policy goals… They failed. The defeat of these proposals is a credit to the determined opposition of key leaders in the House, the Senate, and the Administration, and to the effective organizing and advocacy of groups around the country.”

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Joint Statement: Privacy and Consumer Groups Back CFPB’s Use of Data

“We support the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) acquisition and analysis of commercial databases to help it ensure the public is fairly treated by the financial marketplace.
As leaders of consumer and privacy organizations, we agree that the CFPB needs to use the wide range of data available to financial institutions and services in order to identify best practices and necessary safeguards.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR, 268 Groups Call On You To Oppose HR 4018 and Support a Strong Payday Rule

“The undersigned civil rights, consumer, labor, faith, veterans, seniors, and community organizations, strongly urge you to oppose H.R. 4018, the “Consumer Protection and Choice Act.” This harmful bill would limit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) ability to protect all consumers against high-cost payday, car title, and installment loans… H.R. 4018 would allow the payday industry to avoid federal regulation altogether by pushing an industry-backed proposal based on a Florida law that has proven ineffective at stopping the payday loan debt trap.”

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Letter to Regulators: AFR Calls on CFTC Not To Weaken Derivatives Risk Protections

“This week, the Commission faces key decisions in finalizing a crucial protection against derivatives risk, namely the rules governing mandatory provision of margin for derivatives transactions… In this letter, we wish to address one important area of these margin rules, namely requirements for inter-affiliate margin in transactions between swap dealers and affiliated entities. This issue has taken on increased prominence in recent months due to intense lobbying by major Wall Street banks to reduce or eliminate requirements for initial margin in inter-affiliate transactions. “

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Press Statement: Coalition Calls on Seven Major Corporations to Stop Using Forced Arbitration

“Forced arbitration clauses deny American consumers and workers of the right to hold corporations accountable. Instead of going to court, these clauses force consumer claims into private arbitration that favors the corporation. Corporations write the arbitration rules, even choosing the arbitration firm and the location for the proceeding. Forced arbitration is thus a parallel system of dispute resolution created by and for corporations and explicitly designed to protect their interests above all else.”

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Letter to Regulators: AFR and the Consumer Federation of America Oppose Anti-Investor Proposal from FASB

“We are writing on behalf of the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and Americans for Financial Reform to express our opposition to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)’s recently proposed changes to its discussion of materiality and its guidance regarding how to assess the materiality of disclosures contained in the footnotes of financial statements… Weakening the materiality standard and increasing regulatory deference to issuer and auditor judgments has long been a goal of the preparer community. These efforts have been strongly resisted by investors and investor advocates. It is disappointing, to say the least, to see FASB put forward a proposal that is so clearly intended to advance this anti-investor, anti-transparency agenda.