Search Results for: marcus stanley

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AFR in the News: Bank Lobby’s Onslaught Shifts Debate on Volcker Rule

‘The regulators are under a lot of pressure,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director of Americans for Financial Reform, an advocacy coalition that filed a comment letter urging that the draft rule be strengthened rather than watered down. Stanley, a former congressional aide, said that his side has at most a couple of dozen people working the agencies and Congress. Meantime, he said, hundreds of banking representatives are enlisting their customers by warning that the rule’s fallout will be higher costs and less-liquid markets.’

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AFR in the News: Crowdfunding Proposal Hits Snag

“But consumer advocates, watchdog groups and some economists are raising alarms. Taken together, the JOBS Act’s various provisions represent a dramatic rollback of financial regulations that date back to the Great Depression, they argue. It would reverse protections enacted with the Dodd-Frank financial reforms, some warn. ‘We’re all for channeling capital to small businesses,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director of Americans for Financial Reform. ‘At the same time, we have banks for a reason, as opposed to people standing on the street corner taking shares in companies. So you’ve got to strike a balance.’”

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AFR in the News: A bipartisan push to bring back bank bailouts

“Advocates on the left, however, are adamant that the ban remain in place, arguing that it forces banks to put up greater collateral to back up risky bets. ‘It is a form of firewall between swaps dealing and the rest of your operations, requiring separate capitalization,’ says Marcus Stanley, policy director of Americans for Financial Reform. ‘When you allow banks to do absolutely unlimited derivatives activities, it’s hard to separate banking from speculation.'”

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AFR in the News: Is Jack Lew’s Bank Background Bad News For Financial Reform?

“Marcus Stanley, policy director for Americans for Financial Reform, a consumer advocacy group, did not want to comment on Lew specifically. But he said the ascension of another official with big bank experience is a sign that the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington continues to swing. ‘Many political elites in both parties have moved through Wall Street,’ Stanley said. ‘In some cases, they worked at the same institutions as those lobbying against effective implementation of Dodd-Frank. I hope and expect that in a government role they can set that past aside and implement the law as written.”

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AFR in the News: CFTC Votes 4-to-1 for Rules Aimed at Wall Street Swap Abuse

“The final regulations are a ‘significant weakening’ of the CFTC’s original proposal, Marcus Stanley, policy director of Americans for Financial Reform, which includes AFL-CIO and other labor unions, said in an e-mail today. ‘The numerous opt-outs, exceptions, and safe harbors in the final rule can effectively give swap dealers a free pass out of compliance with key statutory protections,’ Stanley said.”

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AFR in the News: Obama’s consumer bureau appointment raises political, legal stakes

“For many in the financial industry, much is riding on Republican efforts to force a reopening of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Law with the goal of giving Congress greater oversight and dispersing power at CFBP among members of a board rather than bestowing it all on a director. …But to leaders of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of 250 national consumer, labor, civil rights and senior citizens advocacy groups, the arrival of a leader is vital because CFPB is the ‘linchpin of the entire Dodd-Frank law,’ said Marcus Stanley, AFR policy director.”

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AFR in the News: MF Global provides first test for Dodd-Frank

MF Global provides first test for Dodd-Frank – Ira Teinowitz (The Deal)

“Marcus Stanley, policy director of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of consumer and labor groups, called the bankruptcy a warning to regulators that the Volcker Rule should be implemented strictly. ‘MF Global’s failure — like the recent proprietary losses by Goldman Sachs — underlines the risks of speculative proprietary bets,” he said. ‘A tough Volcker Rule will restrict this kind of speculation to institutions that are ‘small enough to fail’ and prevent the giant investment banks central to the economy from taking these kinds of risks.’”

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AFR in the News: Volcker Rule Costs Banks $1 Billion, U.S. Government Says

Volcker Rule Costs Banks $1 Billion, U.S. Government Says – Silla Brush (Bloomberg)

“‘Only $50 million of these costs are these kinds of costs of government regulation,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director for Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of 250 groups including the AFL-CIO labor group and AARP. The cost ‘is very small compared to potentially making trillions of dollars in assets safer,’ he said in a telephone interview.’”

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AFR in the News: Analysis: Volcker pay curbs spark fears of Wall St. exodus

Dave Clarke (Reuters)

“The Volcker rule has created a new battlefield over Wall Street pay that banks fear will send their star traders and hedge fund advisers fleeing. … ‘The question is whether just saying that compensation arrangements cannot encourage proprietary risk taking is enough or whether they have to be more specific,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director for the group Americans for Financial Reform.”