Search Results for: marcus stanley

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AFR in the News: How Obama Can Rein in Wall Street Without Going Through Congress

“Wall Street’s relentless lobbying campaign pressured regulators to dial down some of the reforms, but the overhaul law still has a lot of strength,” Danielle Douglas writes in the July 3rd Washington Post. Her article goes on to quote AFR policy director Marcus Stanley: “The regulators have the statutory authority,” he says. “The question is whether they are going to use that authority.”

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AFR in the News: Massad Heads to U.S. Swaps Agency as Wall Street Seeks Rollback

“There is still ‘great risk of going back even on the commitments that have been made final,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform… ‘In no way is he just a caretaker for a job that’s just been completed by somebody else,” Stanley, referring to Massad, said in an interview. ‘To make derivatives reform a reality means taking on some powerful interests and pushing forward against significant opposition and we hope he’s up to it.’”

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AFR in the News: Shadow Banking Subtext

The National Review’s Reihan Salam examines the case for stronger regulation of nonbanks and “market-based financing,” and the political power of those, like the Blackstone Group’s Tony James, who are trying to convince the Obama administration to go slow. Salam expresses an “ideological bias” in favor of James’ position, while acknowledging the “serious and interesting” counter-arguments of AFR’s Marcus Stanley.

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AFR in the News: Massad Pledges Support for CFTC Commodity Speculation Curbs

Timothy Massad, nominated to lead the CFTC, “has drawn skepticism from [public] interest groups about his views on regulation,” according to Bloomberg, which cites Marcus Stanley, policy director for Americans for Financial Reform. “He’s really something of a blank,” Stanley said. “He doesn’t have a policy or substantive record at least in the areas regulated by the CFTC.”

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AFR in the News: How Half of Wall Street Hopes to Evade Dodd-Frank

Half of the big Wall Street banks are using their foreign ownership to escape key provisions of Dodd-Frank. It wasn’t supposed to be that way. “Whether the foreign banking rule gets done is a big test,” Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, told the New York Times, adding: “Considering the number of problems with American banks that have occurred in London subsidiaries, I would appreciate seeing the Europeans raise the bar for foreign operations of American banks. That would be a win for the American taxpayer.’”