Category Archives: Letters to Regulators

Letter to Regulators: Letter Calling on Regulators to Halt Bank Mergers

AFREF led a letter to regulators stating that the laissez-faire stance adopted by the Department of Justice and the federal bank regulators and current merger guidelines have hurt small businesses, community banks, and households, especially those in BIPOC communities. The letter urges regulators to temporarily halt consideration of pending bank mergers until the DOJ and banking agencies adopt a plan that strengthens the guidelines to protect consumers.

A pair of hands writing on paper with a pen

Letters to Regulators: Memo to ED Supporting Continuity of Education From Carceral Setting to Reentry In Regulations on Pell Grants for Prison Education Programs

AFREF joined a memo to ED establishing their obligation to support education in reentry as Pell has been reinstated for incarcerated individuals and more individuals who will now begin a postsecondary education inside will not finish their degree within the correctional setting and will instead have to finish during reentry. The paper also demonstrates the types of support Prison Education Programs (PEP) could provide to help with the ‘education continuum’ from college inside to education outside.