Category Archives: Publications

Take On Wall Street Poll: Key Findings from Battleground Congressional District Survey on Curbing Wall Street’s Influence
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, and holding financial companies accountable for discrimination.

Take On Wall Street Poll: Messaging the Financial Transaction Tax
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, including solid backing for a Financial Transaction Tax, especially if it’s referred to as a “sales tax”.

Take On Wall Street Poll: Voters Support Efforts to Fight Lending Discrimination
Across parties and regions, American voters believe the government should fight discrimination by financial firms against African-Americans and Latinos in lending.

AFR Policy Brief: The Toys R’ Us Bankruptcy And Private Equity Predation
AFR released the policy brief linked below concerning the role of private equity in the Toys R’ Us bankruptcy and the importance of taking action to limit private equity predation on the businesses they own. The Toys R’ Us Bankruptcy And Private Equity Predation.

AFR Report: Wall Street Money in Washington in 2017
In the first twelve months of the 2017-18 election cycle, Wall Street banks and financial interests have reported spending $719 million to influence decision-making through campaign contributions and lobbying. That total works out to about $2.0 million a day. The financial sector is by far the largest source of campaign contributions in federal elections, and the third largest spender on lobbying

AFR Backgrounder: Randy Quarles Testimony and Big Bank Regulation
AFR released the document below to provide context on the Congressional testimony of Federal Reserve vice-chair for supervision Randy Quarles, and highlight several areas which we believe Congress should question him about. AFR Backgrounder on Quarles Testimony

AFR Report: Private Equity and the For-Profit College Industry
A new report from Americans for Financial Reform and the Private Equity Stakeholder Project documents how the private equity industry has driven the growth — and abuses — of the for-profit higher education industry.

2017 Voting Record: Where They Stand on Financial Reform
The AFR Advocacy Fund has released its voting record for 2017, the first year of the 115th Congress. “Where They Stand on Financial Reform” tracks more than 55 votes that gave House members and Senators a choice: They could decide to stand up for consumers, borrowers, investors and the safety, transparency, and accountability of the financial system. Or they could take the side of big banks and other powerful financial industry interests. Taken together, these votes show a disturbing readiness, on the part of many of those currently serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, to do the financial industry’s bidding without regard for harm to families and communities.

AFR Poll: Opposition to S. 2155 Bank Deregulation Bill is Wide and Deep
Opposition to the provisions of S. 2155, on banking supervision, on mortgage lending, and on mobile home financing is strong. And voters believe big banks still have too much influence in Congress.