Category Archives: Publications

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Poll: New Poll Finds Strong Support for Financial Reform

A new poll of 1,000 likely voters found that Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all strongly support financial reform. Voters believe financial companies have not changed enough and need to be held more accountable 75%-12% and support more regulation of these companies 69%-20%. See attached for details.

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New AFR/CRL poll: By a 3 to 1 margin, voters of all parties support restoring right to consumer class actions

“A recent poll conducted by Lake Research Partners and Chesapeake Beach Consulting finds voters strongly support restoring consumers’ right to bring class action lawsuits against banks and lenders instead of being forced to take individual cases to an arbitrator of the lender’s choosing. After hearing an argument for and against, voters of all political parties express majority support for federal action to restore these rights.”

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Poll: 71 percent of Americans Support Regulation of Payday Lenders

“According to a new poll, conducted by GBA Strategies on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, the Center for Responsible Lending, the National Council of La Raza, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, just 3 percent of registered voters have a favorable opinion of payday lenders. Yes, even used car salesmen and Wall Street banks are more well-liked than payday lenders.”

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AFR/CRL Poll: National Survey Finds Bipartisan Opposition to Forced Arbitration as the Issue Heads for a Vote in the House

With the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau now in a position to regulate the practice, a new poll shows strong public sentiment against the use of forced-arbitration clauses in consumer finance contracts. The poll demonstrates wide, bipartisan opposition to forced arbitration as the House of Representatives prepares to vote on a multi-agency appropriations bill that would put roadblocks in the way of CFPB action.

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AFR Briefing Paper: Myths and Realities of Large Regional Banks and the Dodd-Frank Act

In recent months there have been calls to roll back regulation of large regional banks – institutions that hold over $50 billion in assets but are not among the eight U.S. mega-banks with a global footprint. In response to unfounded claims about the treatment of large regional banks under the Dodd-Frank Act, AFR has sent a briefing paper to congressional staff as well as the press.

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Dangerous Liaisons: POGO Report Examines the SEC’s Revolving Door

View or download PDF. “Former employees of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) routinely help corporations try to influence SEC rulemaking, counter the agency’s investigations of suspected wrongdoing, soften the blow of SEC enforcement actions, block shareholder proposals, and win exemptions from federal law.”  

At a Crossroads: Lessons from HAMP

A new report from the National Consumer Law Center analyzes the record of the government’s main mortgage modification initiative, and where we go from here.