Category Archives: Press Releases

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CMOC: Wall Street Dupes Big Business Into Fighting Against Reform

For immediate release                              Contact: Simone Allen (404) 692-5102 May, 11, 2010 Wall Street Dupes Big Business Into Fighting Against Reform End User Coalition Calls on Procter & Gamble, Caterpillar, Apple and Others to Leave Sham Coalition As the U.S. Senate debates measures to hold Wall

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AFR: Big Banks Get Big ROI; Republicans Hand Wall Street Another Victory

AFR: Big Banks Get Big ROI; Republicans Hand Wall Street Another Victory Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement this afternoon after the Republicans in the Senate continued to deny the American public a debate and up-or-down vote on financial reform

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AFR: We Applaud The President’s Speech; Now It Is Time For Congress To Act

Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of over 250 consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights groups, released the following statement on the President’s speech today in New York: Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “We thank the President for the message he sent

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AFR Urges Sen. Corker: Stand Up for Your Work

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: April 19, 2010 Campaign Urges Sen. Corker:  Stand Up for Your Work As Republican Leaders Attack Corker’s Wall Street Accountability Bill, Tennesseans Will Send Message to Stay Strong Washington DC – On the eve of the Senate battle over holding Wall

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AFR Statement on the Derivatives and Overall Banking Legislation

For Immediate Release April 19, 2010 AFR Statement on the Derivatives and Overall Banking Legislation Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “A year-and-a-half since the reckless behavior of the Big Banks took our economy to the edge of the abyss and cost 8 million

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AFR Response to the S.E.C. Charging Goldman Sachs with Fraud

For Immediate Release April 16, 2010 Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform issued the following statement regarding the S.E.C. suit accusing Goldman Sachs of fraud on mortgage deals. Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “The SEC investigation into Goldman Sachs is a major event