Category Archives: Press Releases

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AFR Statement: On Confirmation of Jay Clayton to Run SEC

“We are seriously concerned about what Jay Clayton’s leadership will mean for investors and the economy. His longtime client, Goldman Sachs, played a central role in the devastating financial crisis of 2008 and has a long record of questionable market behavior. Clayton himself has numerous direct personal conflicts of interest.”

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AFR Statement: Oppose Hensarling’s Bid to Dismantle Wall Street Reform and CFPB

The committee, with the backing of the Trump administration, is gearing up to pass a bill that would give Wall Street and assorted predatory lenders a free hand to abuse consumers and investors, and raise the likelihood of another financial crisis. Congress should be looking for ways to enforce the rules on Wall Street, not reward their army of lobbyists.

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Press Statement: Civil Rights Groups, Consumer Advocates, Legal Scholars and Members of Congress file Amicus Briefs in PHH Corporation vs. CFPB

“Today, consumer and civil rights groups, leading legal scholars and members of Congress will submit amicus briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in the case of PHH Corporation v. CFPB in support of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The diverse amici urge the full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to maintain a strong, independent agency to protect American consumers. …’In the five years since it opened its doors, the CFPB has worked tirelessly to enforce the laws that went ignored in the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis, and has done more than any other federal agency to empower consumers against predatory, deceptive, and outright fraudulent behavior by bad actors in the financial industry…,’ said Wade Henderson, president and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.”

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AFR Statement: House Bill Would Let Banks and Lenders Keep Ill-Gotten Gains

“The House passed legislation to effectively kill class action lawsuits, which are often consumers’ only chance to fight back against repeated corporate fraud and scams… ‘If this bill becomes law, those ill-gotten gains will instead be used to pad Wall Street’s bottom line,’ said Lisa Donner, Executive Director of Americans for Financial Reform… ‘H.R. 985 gives banks and lenders a license to steal and encourages more scandals like Wells Fargo’s fake account opening.'”​

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AFR Policy Brief: The Volcker Rule And Market Making in Times Of Stress

” ‘The Volcker Rule And Market Making In Times of Stress’ paper does not represent the official view of the Federal Reserve, and is not a Federal Reserve Report. …It is simply false to present this paper as demonstrating that the Volcker Rule has created market costs that exceed its risk reduction benefits.”

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Joint Statement: 104 Organizations Respond to Sen. Carper’s interest in exploring changes to CFPB structure

“With a single director at its head the CFPB is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. It has recovered $12 billion for over 29 million people. The only plausible reason to change it, after nearly 6 years of good work, is to stop that good work from happening. The banks and predatory lenders who are pushing this want to be able to abuse consumers with impunity. There is no good reason to enable them.”