Category Archives: Press Releases

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News Release
Mulvaney Plan to Gut Payday Lending Rule Defies Common Sense

The rule, which was years in the making, created vital protections for consumers of payday, car title, and some longer-term loans to ensure that predatory lenders don’t trap customers in unaffordable loans. Underlying the rule is the common-sense principle that lenders should consider whether borrowers have the ability to repay a loan before they risk their financial well-being.

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News Release
Court Sides with Students Over DeVos’s Pro-Corporate Agenda

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund applauds the news that a court has rejected the for-profit college industry’s attempt to stop the 2016 Borrower Defense rule. Today, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia sided with students over Betsy Devos’s attempts to let abusive for profit schools rip them off with impunity.

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Joint Statement
Public Interest Groups Applaud FHFA Move to Expand Resources for LEP Borrowers

The clearinghouse is a valuable resource that will improve the homeownership experience for Limited English Proficient (LEP) borrowers by making available all in-language resources in one centralized place, including translated loan documents, glossaries, and other educational materials. The clearinghouse will be helpful to lenders, housing counselors, attorneys, and other advocates assisting LEP borrowers.

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News Release
Grupos de Interés Público Aplauden a la FHFA por Ampliar Recursos para Prestatarios con Conocimientos Limitados del Inglés

El repositorio es un recurso valioso que mejorará el proceso de adquisición de viviendas para prestatarios con Conocimientos Limitados del Inglés (LEP, por sus siglas en inglés) al hacer disponible en un mismo sitio toda la documentación en un mismo idioma, incluyendo traducciones de documentos de préstamos, glosarios, y otros materiales educacionales. El repositorio será de utilidad para prestamistas, asesores de vivienda, abogados, y otros ayudando a prestatarios con conocimientos limitados del inglés.

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Joint Statement
CFPB Sandbox Proposal Would Deny Consumers Key Information

The CFPB is exceeding its authority under the law that created the agency and would set a dangerous precedent with its “disclosure sandbox” policy, its label for granting companies exemptions from disclosure rules. The CFPB would allow firms to obfuscate or eliminate important information in the name of “financial innovation,” a label often applied to defend practices in mortgage lending that led to the 2008 crisis.

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News Release
Blankenstein Views Part of Mulvaney Agenda of Enabling Discrimination

Mulvaney chose Blankenstein as the policy associate director for supervision, enforcement, and fair lending. Under Mulvaney the CFPB has restructured the main office for fair lending, expressed interest in moving away from a key legal test for fair lending, and curbed enforcement of rules on predatory lenders that often target communities of color.

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News Release
Consumer Groups Criticize SEC Investor-Protection Proposal During Agency Roundtable in Baltimore

The SEC’s proposed “Regulation Best Interest” is anything but, a plan for creating a veneer of investor protection that would fail to chase bad practices out of the industry that cost savers $40 billion per year. Many savers fall victim to brokers who steer them into investments that pay lucrative fees but don’t generate the best possible return for investors.

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News Release
Fall 2018 Congressional Voting Record on Where They Stand on Financial Reform

Ten years after the financial crisis, a majority of members of Congress have voted again and again for bills pushed by the bank lobby that are dangerous for our financial stability, undermine consumer and investor protections, and enable racial discrimination in lending. The report, entitled “Where They Stand on Financial Reform,” lays out how each lawmaker voted.