Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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Across the Country, Widespread Praise for Wall Street Reform Bill

Editorial Roundup Shows Opponents of Reform are on the Wrong Side Cleaning up Wall Street: Las Vegas Sun Editorial, May 25: “It is notable that Republicans continue to raise a fuss about the legislation… [Their] comments are also disingenuous. There is no government takeover. Nor is

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AFR On The Passage Of Historic Financial Reform Legislation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement following the vote this evening in the Senate on Financial Reform: Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “We are pleased the Senate has passed this momentous bill that will rein

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Advocates Oppose Car Dealer Carve Out

The industry that has the most complaints to the Better Business Bureau should not be exempted from consumer protection Consumer Federation of America: “In the fight over Senator Brownback’s (R-KS) amendment exempting auto dealers from the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency, representatives of the military

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AFR Warns About Weakening Efforts In Disguise

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: May 14, 2010 Washington, DC – After failing in attempts to overtly weaken the bill, opponents of Wall Street reform are now looking to usurp the bill in anyway possible. Americans for Financial Reform opposes any stealth attacks – including attempts

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Consumer Advocates Cheer Senate for Rejecting Sham GOP Proposal

**Audio of Call Available Here** Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform and our 250 coalition partners applaud the Senate for rejecting – on a bipartisan basis – the sham that was Sen. Shelby’s “consumer” amendment to the Wall Street accountability currently being debated in the

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Consumer Advocates Expose Sham GOP Proposal

Press Conference Call TODAY, May 6 at 2:30 PM ET*** Consumer Advocates Expose Sham GOP Proposal Washington, DC – On Thursday, May 6 at 2:30 pm, advocates who have led the fight for tough, new rules to protect consumers from tricks and traps of mortgage companies, car dealers,