Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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Experts to Discuss Impact of Wall Street Speculation on Gas Prices

Americans for Financial Reform will host a conference call for reporters and bloggers on Today at 12:00 PM EDT to discuss the impact of Wall Street speculation on gas prices. Wall Street gambling is driving up gas prices and putting a strain on the economic recovery and the pocket-books of working families and the middle class.

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AFR Press Statement: Wall Street Titans Support Financial Speculation Tax

“On the eve of Tax Day, as millions of Americans are still struggling with hard times and worrying about how to pay the IRS, some of the most prominent players on Wall Street held a press conference announcing that they were stepping up to support a financial speculation tax to “pay their fair” share and help put America back to work.”

AFR Press Statement: Senate Passage of JOBS Act

“We are deeply disappointed by the Senate passage of the so called “JOBS Act.” With the country still suffering from hard times and high unemployment in the wake of the financial crisis, it is almost unbelievable that the Senate would rush passage of measures that will undermine transparency and accountability in the capital markets, and expose our families to a new round of fraud and abuse. But that is what they have done.”