Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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AFR Statement: Wells Fargo’s Latest Attempt to Get Away with Fraud

“This Wells Fargo case is yet another demonstration of the harm consumers will suffer if Congress chooses to repeal the CFPB arbitration rule and restore banks’ ‘Get out of Jail Free card.,” said Lisa Donner, Executive Director for Americans for Financial Reform. “It is also yet another reminder why lawbreaking banks are pushing for the rule to be overturned: blocking consumers right to go to court makes it easier for them to rip people off.”

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TOWS Press Release: Leading Members of Congress Propose An Agenda to Take on Wall Street

“Seven years ago this week the Dodd Frank act was signed into law, setting in motion measures to protect consumers and make the financial system more stable. Unfortunately, some lawmakers wish to turn back the clock and undo these reforms, and we are stepping up the fight to stop them. But the important work of defending Dodd-Frank must not be the end of the story. We need to do more to build a financial system that works for most Americans, not against them.”

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AFR Statement: Quarles represents failed policies of the past

“Mr. Quarles was part of the regulatory team at the Bush Treasury Department that missed the oncoming 2008 financial crisis and failed to take any effective action to stop that crisis. [He] did not take action or speak up against Wall Street excesses in advance of the 2008 crisis. Since the crisis he has made his opposition clear to strong regulatory action to prevent the re-emergence of the same risks in the future… The American people need and deserve better in this critical post.”

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AFR Statement: Budget Takes Aim at CFPB and Student Loan Holders

“Without exception, the proposals we’ve seen to de-fund or restructure the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are about making it less effective at doing its job,” said Brian Marshall, policy counsel at AFR. “The agency has won relief worth $12 billion for 29 million Americans since it started work. All these proposed changes to the CFPB would do is make it easier for Wall Street and assorted predatory lenders to rip people off.”

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Joint Statement: Another Step Forward for Retirement Savers

From a statement by the Save our Retirement Coalition: “Retirement savers need an enforceable fiduciary standard and a Department of Labor that is prepared to hold firms accountable for compliance. Until the full complement of rule requirements takes effect, their hard earned savings will continue to be at risk as a result of conflicted advice from financial professionals who put their own financial interests ahead of their customers’ best interests. Yesterday’s decision was an important step forward, but there is still a long road ahead.”

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AFR Letter: Oppose the Regulatory Accountability Act

Throwing up elaborate procedural hurdles isn’t a recipe for to good government. It’s a deliberate plan for increasing the control that Wall Street’s lobbyists have over government decision-making at the expense of the public interest.

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Joint Statement: Prepaid Card Protections Escape Congressional Veto

“‘This rule will give consumers, including people who rely on prepaid debit cards instead of a bank account, the basic protections they need to manage their finances more safely and securely,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director at Americans for Financial Reform. ‘When people learned it was under threat, they made the case that this rule is important and workable, and it looks like enough lawmakers paid attention.'”