Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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AFR Statement: AFR Applauds Bipartisan Bill to Restore Glass-Steagall

“The Warren-McCain bill would restore the Glass-Steagall firewall and update it for the 21st century by fully addressing new developments like the massive growth in the market for complex derivatives and securities lending. By forcing the separation of commercial and investment banking, it would break up “too big to fail” banks that combine both activities, and reduce their power over the financial markets and the economy.”

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“Take on Wall Street” Statement: Wall Street Watchdogs Blast Banking Committee majority for approving Clayton to Head SEC

“Jay Clayton’s entire career of representing major Wall Street banks, advancing their interests at the expense of the public, helping them avoid accountability, stands in contradiction to the very mission of the agency he has been nominated to lead… Those who voted in favor of his appointment — both Democrats and Republicans –will have some explaining to do to constituents who are sick and tired of letting Wall Street continue rig the economy so all of the gains go to those at the very top.”

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AFR Statement: Trump Speech Obscures Agenda Favoring Wall Street

When it comes to the economy, unfortunately the President hasn’t drained the swamp. Instead, he is filling the government with Wall Street insiders who are now attacking rules put in place to keep big Wall Street banks and predatory lenders from ripping off consumers and prevent another disastrous financial crisis.