Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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Joint Statement: Consumer Advocates Blast DOL Attempt to Kill Fiduciary Rule

“The Trump Administration’s actions prove that it is far less interested in protecting investors from the harmful effects of conflicts of interest than it is in catering to Wall Street interests… By stripping out the rule’s private enforcement mechanism, and by stating that the Department won’t enforce the rule, the DOL has rendered the rule toothless.”

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AFR Statement: Treasury Report on Systemic Risk Designation of Large Non-Banks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 20, 2017 CONTACT Carter Dougherty (202) 251-6700 Treasury Memorandum Weakens Systemic Risk Supervision On Friday the Treasury Department released a memorandum on the process used by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to designate large systemically significant non-bank financial institutions

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TOWS Statement: House Tax Bill a Gift to Wall Street

The Take on Wall Street campaign denounces the passage of a tax bill in the House of Representatives that would give Wall Street and the 1% over $1 trillion in tax breaks while leaving many middle-income Americans paying higher taxes, increasing the public deficit, and leading to deep cuts in important public services.

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AFR Statement: House Committee Approves a Package of Wall Street Giveaways

“The package includes legislation that would release the nation’s largest banks from measures to prevent a financial crisis, saving them billions of dollars in expenses,” AFR’s Lisa Donner said. “It would also allow banks and fintech firms to cooperate in new forms of payday lending, and make investment products riskier for mom-and-pop savers. And it’s all happening against the backdrop of a big proposed tax cut for Wall Street.”

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Joint Statement: President Trump Signs Bill that Strips Choice to Seek Justice in Court

“’President Trump had a clear choice to make today between Wall Street and the rest of us,’ said Amanda Werner of Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen. ‘He chose Wall Street. But the rest of us will keep fighting to restore our rights so we can fight back the next time a company like Wells Fargo or Equifax tries to rip us off and get away with it.’”

Joint Statement: CFPB Payday Lending Rule Will Disrupt Abusive Lending, Protect Families

“At the heart of the rule is the common sense principle that lenders check a borrower’s ability to repay before lending money. While praising the CFPB for pushing to stop the debt trap, the coalition calls on the Bureau to build on this progress by quickly working to develop regulations to protect consumers from abusive long-term, high-cost loans. Also, strong state laws, such as rate caps, must continue to be defended and enacted.”