Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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News Release: Bank Workers, Members of Congress, Consumers, And Community Advocates Will hold Rally And Press Conference Addressing Persistent Predatory And Anti-Worker Practices

Wells Fargo workers have long demanded better protection, including a union, as well as a genuine seat at the table to help ensure the bank’s dangerous practices are kept in check. On the day of the hearing, workers will also deliver a petition to Sloan calling on him to meet with front-line workers to address the toxic, high-pressure environment that still exists for thousands of Wells Fargo employees.

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Comunicado De Prensa: Capital Privado Amenaza A Residentes De Viviendas Prefabricadas

Muchos de los inversionistas de capital privado y de bienes raíces más grandes del mundo, administrando más de $1.77 billones en activos, han estado comprado comunidades de viviendas prefabricadas a un ritmo acelerado y han aumentado estrepitosamente los alquileres y otros costos, lo cual representa una nueva gran amenaza para la seguridad económica de millones de adultos mayores, personas con discapacidades, familias, e inmigrantes que necesitan viviendas de bajo costo; según reporta un nuevo informe.

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News Release: Private Equity Threatens Manufactured Home Residents

Many of the largest private equity and real estate investors in the world, managing more than $1.77 trillion in assets, have bought up manufactured home communities at a rapid pace and raised rents and fees sharply, posing a dramatic new threat to the economic security of millions of seniors, people with disabilities, families, and immigrants in need of low-cost housing, according to a new report.