Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

NEWS RELEASE: Supreme Court Sides With Industry Seeking to Weaken CFPB

In the wake of the destruction caused by the last financial crisis, Congress created an independent cop on the beat focused solely on protecting consumers in the financial marketplace. With today’s decision in Seila Law v. CFPB, the Supreme Court has chosen to ignore Congressional intent to maximize the bureau’s independence to best protect the American public from harm.

NEWS RELEASE: While American Workers Face Ongoing Struggle to Save for Retirement, Department of Labor Appears Poised to Strip Them of Important Protections

With the country struggling to address pandemic-related economic disruptions that have made it harder than ever for working Americans to save for a secure and independent retirement, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) is expected to release its new investment advice rule for retirement plans within weeks, if not days. Advocates for workers, investors, and retirees are concerned the new rule could make matters worse by stripping retirement savers of already inadequate protections from faulty investment advice.