Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

News Release: Committee Tax Plan Falls Short of Need to Advance Racial and Economic Justice

Today, the House Ways and Means committee released its draft plan for the Build Back Better economic package. It includes many crucial spending items, and some positive tax provisions. But, overall, it fails to meet the moment. Among other things, the package leaves out revenue-raising proposals from the Biden administration that would advance racial and economic justice. We need more dramatic change to the status quo, which benefits Wall Street and the super-rich and harms the rest of us. 

Statement: AFR Mourns Passing of AFL-CIO President Trumka

Americans for Financial Reform mourns the passing of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, and our thoughts are with his family, friends, and the workers for and alongside whom he fought for decades. President Trumka was committed to the fight for Wall Street accountability as an important ingredient of advancing worker rights and racial and economic justice, and under his leadership, the AFL-CIO has been a key pillar of the fight for a fairer, financial system. We will continue to be inspired by him as we continue to work for economic justice and racial equity.

Federal reserve board

News Release: Fed Stress Tests Unleash Bank Capital Distributions at Expense of Financial Stability

The Federal Reserve has announced the results of its 2021 bank stress tests.  Since then, these results have led a steady parade of the largest banks in the country to announce dramatic increases in dividends.  The stress tests will also enable greater share buybacks and other capital distributions by banks. This will enrich senior executives and large shareholders, while putting financial stability at risk.

sign for the CFPB outside a building

Joint Press Release: Advocates Push for Increased Enforcement and Later Rule Sunset to Prevent Improper Foreclosures as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Final Servicing Rule

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) released its final rule under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) related to helping homeowners impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The rule contains important consumer protections to help stave off unnecessary foreclosures, but the time period for the rule’s foreclosure protections should be extended and the Bureau should vigorously enforce it to ensure homeowners receive the intended protections.