Letters to Congress: Letter in Support of The Reforming Disaster Recovery Act
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of The Reforming Disaster Recovery Act.
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of The Reforming Disaster Recovery Act.
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of Sandra Thompson’s nomination to be director of FHFA.
AFR, joined by 14 other civil rights, social and racial justice, and immigrant organizations, sent a letter to Congress in support of President Biden’s nomination of Professor Saule Omarova to lead the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of the provision in Build Back Better that limits the Pell grant increase to students attending public and non-profit colleges, excluding for-profit schools.
AFR joined a letter to Congress supporting Senator Blumenthal’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), to ban forced arbitration for service members suffering financial and employment abuse.
AFR sent a letter to Congress in support of H.R. 2620, the Investor Choice Act of 2021.
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of three crucial provisions of the Build Back Better Act that would strengthen the FTC’s hand against discriminatory and abusive data practices and the businesses that engage in them.
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of the nomination of Professor Saule Omarova to serve as the next Comptroller of the Currency.
AFR joined a letter to Congress highlighting the urgent need to include targeted first generation down payment assistance (DPA) in the Build Back Better Act.
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of robust funding for housing provisions in the Build Back Better Act.