Letters to Congress: Letter in Support of the Overdraft Protection Act of 2021
AFR led a letter to the House Financial Services Committee in support of Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s Overdraft Protection Act of 2021.
AFR led a letter to the House Financial Services Committee in support of Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s Overdraft Protection Act of 2021.
We, the undersigned organizations, write to you as advocates of transparency in digital asset markets. The cryptocurrency market boom has led to large corporations investing in the field, including Facebook (now Meta), whose problematic “Libra” cryptocurrency proposal was scrutinized in a 2019 hearing held by the Committee, at your direction. Facebook has since abandoned the project in light of the concerns raised at this hearing and due to push back from policymakers, public interest organizations, and financial regulators.
AFR joined NCLC and SBPC in a letter to Congress in support of the Economic Continuity and Stability Act, which would facilitate the credit industry’s smooth transition from the LIBOR index.
AFR joined a letter in support of H.R.3037, the Housing Survivors of Major Disasters Act.
AFR sent a letter to Congress supporting H.R. 6466, Representative Nikema Williams’ Student Loan Rehabilitation and Credit Score Improvement Act.
AFR joined a letter to Congress encouraging the Senate to swiftly discharge and confirm the four highly qualified nominees for positions at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
AFR joined a letter urging Congress to immediately bring House Resolution (H.R.) 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act, to a full vote on the House floor.
AFR sent a letter to Congress supporting Chairman Sherman’s amendments to H.R. 4521, the America COMPETES Act.
AFR and Public Citizen led a letter to Congress in strong support of the nominations of Lisa Cook, Sarah
Bloom Raskin, and Philip Jefferson to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
AFR joined a letter urging Congress to include strong investments in housing in any future budget reconciliation bill.