Category Archives: Letters to Congress

Letters to Congress: Letter on FTX Hearing and Digital Asset Policy

AFR and Demand Progress led a group of consumer advocates and public interest organizations to send this letter to Congress, asking Members to take a more deliberative and systemic approach to advancing policies to regulate digital assets. The letter urged Congress to resist pursuing legislative proposals compromised by crypto industry influence or that do not adequately address the systemic problems found within the digital asset industry. Instead, the signers called on Congress to empower financial regulators to use their existing authorities and prioritize consumer and investor protection over the digital asset industry’s largely unproven promises.

Letters to Congress: Support for the Close the Shadow Banking Loophole Act 

AFR joined a joint coalition made up of consumer advocates and bank trade groups on this letter to Congress to express our support of the Close the Shadow Banking Loophole Act recently introduced by Senators Brown, Casey, and Van Hollen. This bill will close the Industrial Loan Company charter loophole that allows Big Tech and other large commercial firms from owning a bank without adequate oversight.