Category Archives: Letters to Congress

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Letter to Congress: Randal Quarles should not be confirmed as Federal Reserve Vice-Chair for Supervision

“In selecting Mr. Quarles, the Trump Administration has reached back to the economic team of the Bush Treasury, where Mr. Quarles served from 2001 to 2006…. Like the rest of the Bush Administration team, Mr. Quarles showed no evidence of being aware of the historic meltdown of the U.S. and global financial sector that was about to occur, or of the significance of the toxic and fraudulent Wall Street activities that were taking place on his watch.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR opposes Neomi Rao’s confirmation as Administrator of OIRA

“Americans for Financial Reform opposes the confirmation of Neomi Rao as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). Professor Rao’s announced views demonstrate an extreme disregard for the independence of financial regulatory agencies and an unwarranted hostility to critical financial protections.”

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Letter to Congress: Oppose H.R. 10 – The Wall Street’s CHOICE Act Would Devastate Financial Regulation

“H.R. 10, the ‘Financial CHOICE Act’… would be better dubbed ‘Wall Street’s CHOICE Act,’ as it would have a devastating effect on the ability of regulators to protect consumers and investors from Wall Street exploitation and the economy from financial risks created by too-big-to-fail megabanks. It would expose consumers, investors, and the public to greatly heightened risk of abuse in their regular dealings with the financial system, and our economy as a whole to a far greater risk of instability and crisis.”