Category Archives: Letters to Congress

students in graduation cap and gowns - Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Joint Letter: 42 Orgs Urge Senator Alexander to Protect Consumers and Taxpayers

On October 9th, AFR joined with 41 organizations representing in a letter to Senator Lamar Alexander expressing concerns regarding his recently introduced bill, the Student Aid Improvement Act. Unfortunately, the bill fails to include any provisions that hold low-quality and sometimes predatory colleges accountable, and better protect students and taxpayers. Any reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) must include robust consumer protections.

a student with books - Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Joint Letter: 63 Orgs Urging Appropriators to Protect Pell in FY20 Spending Bill

Today, Americans for Financial Reform joined 62 other organizations on a joint letter to Senate appropriators urging them to oppose the overall Labor-HHS-Education spending allocation and the accompanying proposed $1.3 billion rescission from the Pell reserve fund and to instead fully retain all current Pell funds where they belong – in the Pell Grant program.

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Letters to Congress: Statement to House Financial Services Committee on Facebook Libra Proposal

The AFR Education Fund sent a statement for the record to the House Financial Services Committee concerning Facebook’s proposal for the Libra digital token and payment system. The statement describes ways in which Facebook is attempting to create an unregulated financial product of potentially global scale and the dangers this would pose to the users of the token and the broader financial system.

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Letter to Congress: Letter to House Financial Services Committee on Credit Reporting Package

Credit reports and credit scores play a critical role in the economic lives of Americans. They are the gatekeeper for affordable credit, insurance, rental housing, and sometimes unfortunately even a job. Yet they suffer from unacceptable rates of inaccuracy. This package would enact a sea change that would make the American credit reporting system more accurate and fairer to consumers.