Letter to Congress: Seven Groups Urge Chairman Neal to End Surprise Medical Billing
Americans for Financial Reform and six other organizations sent a letter to Chairman Neal urging action to end surprise medical billing.
Americans for Financial Reform and six other organizations sent a letter to Chairman Neal urging action to end surprise medical billing.
Today, 103 civil rights, consumer and advocacy organizations and think tanks sent a joint letter to House and Senate leadership, urging them to include student debt cancellation in the next economic stimulus package.
Led by American for Financial Reform, Demos, Center for Responsible Lending and Freedom to Prosper, the letter stresses the ways that if left unaddressed, the student debt trap will deepen our current recession, slow our economic recovery, exacerbate inequality, and deepen a crisis already facing black and brown borrowers and families.
Over 100 organizations sent a letter to House and Senate leadership urging them to include student debt cancellation in the next coronavirus package.
Letter to Congress from 73 groups in support of the credit reporting provisions in the HEROES Act
Letter from 104 groups urging Congress to enact COVID-19 debt collection protections
Americans for Financial Reform wrote to the New Jersey State Senate in support of S. 2358. This important bill seeks to stop practices like dual tracking and robo-signing in the private student loan market. As a coalition formed in the wake of the 2008 financial
Detailed and timely data disclosures are required to ensure Coronavirus-related expenditures and benefits are being delivered to the public as Congress intended.
AFR sent a letter in support of the Senior Investor Pandemic and Fraud Protection Act.
AFR joined many national, state and local partners in a letter of support of HJ Res. 90, a disapproval resolution that would overturn the OCC’s Community Reinvestment Act rule that was finalized in May.
AFR, SBPC and 30 organizations Oppose “Liability Shields” for Colleges Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic Americans for Financial Reform joined with the Student Borrower Protection Center in leading a to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions opposing any effort to shield