Category Archives: In the News

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New York Times Editorial: Who Will Rescue Financial Reform?

March 27, 2011 Who Will Rescue Financial Reform? In what passes for self-restraint these days, House Republicans have been insisting that they do not intend to repeal last year’s Dodd-Frank financial reform law. Not in one fell swoop, anyway. A direct assault on Dodd-Frank would

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Op-Ed: The Right Choice to Head Consumer Protection Bureau

Jon Green, the Executive Director of the Connecticut Working Families Party, wrote an Op-Ed supporting Elizabeth Warren.  It was recently published in the Hartford Courant.  Click here to read the original letter. I hope Sen. Christopher Dodd read the Aug. 27 editorial “Hire A Real

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NCLC Analyzes the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill

The National Consumer Law Center has just released a special 8 page issue of NCLC REPORTS analyzing the consumer law implications of the just-enacted Dodd-Frank Wall Street and Consumer Protection Act.  The article includes an overview of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as well as

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Business Week: Woman Wall Street Hates Most is Right for the Job

Business Week recently published this article, which talks about Elizabeth Warren’s career and why she’s the best candidate to serve as CFPB director: Earlier this month, an industry lobbyist said Warren couldn’t manage the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in a fair and balanced way because

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Financial Edge: The Wall Street Reform Act – What You Need to Know

The Financial Edge has a bill summary here that gives a good explanation of what the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill will accomplish.  Here’s what they say about the new consumer regulations (visit their website for the full list): Consumer Safeguards The Act creates a new

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Elizabeth Warren News “Rap-up”

Remember our post about the Main Street Brigade’s rap video about Elizabeth Warren? Well, it’s causing quite a stir. Take a look at all the coverage the video is getting! CNBC has noticed the video, and says that Warren is “rap’s new sheriff” Bloomberg TV

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Valley Community Bank Responds to Dodd-Frank

In a press release, the mid-sized California bank says the bill succeeded in standing up for Main Street banks: “Washington policymakers understood the difference between Wall Street and Main Street banking when they included important concessions for community banks in the new Wall Street Reform

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Finance Reform Law, Global Food and Energy Prices, and Next Steps

Dave Kane recently wrote this article about the need for further derivative reform.  He talks about the problem of commodity specs and how the financial reform bill has paved the way for even better regulations to gain control of commodity markets.  Click here to read

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Communities Creating Opportunities Celebrates in Kansas City

The following article was published in Dos Mundos, a Kansas City news service, and covered CCO’s celebrating following the financial reform bill signing.  Click here to read the full article in English and Spanish, and see photos from the event on page 3A. The grassroots

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Letter from Professors Earns Widespread Media Attention

Click the links below to check out the news coverage about the letter 141 U.S. professors sent to President Obama urging him to appoint Elizabeth Warren as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Financial Fraud Law presented a brief overview of the