Category Archives: In the News

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The Hill: Warren ideal candidate to lead CFPB

Take a look at this piece that The Hill ran recently about why Elizabeth Warren is the perfect candidate for head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. With Congress on the verge of establishing a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Elizabeth Warren, Harvard

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Elizabeth Warren To Head Consumer Protection Bureau?

The Huffington Post recently published an article speculating that Elizabeth Warren will likely be appointed as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as she is the top candidate right now. Here is an excerpt from the article: Once President Obama signs Wall Street

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Robert Kuttner: Why the Free Ride for Republicans Protecting Bankers?

Robert Kuttner, co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect, recently wrote this piece for The Huffington Post. Here, he talks about how there may soon be another bump in the road toward financial reform, as several key Republican supporters have “gone wobbly” under the influence

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Chris Bowers: Why We Must Pass the Wall Street Reform Bill

Chris Bowers, co-founder of OpenLeft. com recently wrote an editorial piece for The Huffington Post, which mentions Americans for Financial Reform. In it, he acknowledges that the Wall Street reform bill is not perfect, but “there is a [still] lot of good in this bill.”

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TheStreet: Financial Reform: Petitions vs. Lobbyists

Read the full article here.  Here is an excerpt: NEW YORK (TheStreet) — While Main Street headed to lawmakers’ doorsteps with thousands of voter petitions on Wednesday to sway the debate on financial reform, Wall Street and corporate America were spending big bucks on lobbyists. Both

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New York Times: Battle Over Reform

The New York Times ran this editorial supporting strong financial reform.  Here are key excerpts: The Volcker rule and the derivatives spinoff are critical structural reforms, not just rule changes. They are essential to protecting the system. Banks and other lenders are also fighting to

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BanksterUSA: No More Gambling with Taxpayer Money! explains why we need strong language to rein in the derivatives market: Reckless swaps and derivatives trading played a critical role in the financial crisis, inflating the domestic housing bubble and turning it into a global economic catastrophe. As the House and Senate conference committee begins