Op-Ed: The Right Choice to Head Consumer Protection Bureau

Jon Green, the Executive Director of the Connecticut Working Families Party, wrote an Op-Ed supporting Elizabeth Warren.  It was recently published in the Hartford Courant.  Click here to read the original letter.

I hope Sen. Christopher Dodd read the Aug. 27 editorial “Hire A Real Advocate.” Elizabeth Warren is the clear choice to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Dodd should support her appointment.

The consumer agency was established by the Wall Street reform legislation recently passed by Congress. Dodd led the fight, and although not perfect, the bill does much to protect consumers and the economy.

Dodd became a victim of today’s polarized political culture. Although he made mistakes, his perceived coziness with the financial industry was exaggerated for political effect. And it worked.

In pushing the reform bill through the Senate, Dodd proved he could stand up to those powerful interests. That success would make for a compelling final chapter of his political career.

But now, the epilogue: Dodd appears to be stonewalling Warren’s appointment. He’s dead wrong. Warren is exactly who this agency needs at the helm. She’s brilliant, articulate, fearless and clearly on the side of consumers. In blocking Warren’s nomination, Dodd lends credence to detractors who claim he’s too close to the banks.

Banks don’t need another government agency to look out for them. Consumers do. Dodd should heed The Courant’s advice and back Elizabeth Warren.