Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR Opposes S. 949

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress opposing S. 949, legislation which promotes steering borrowers into more expensive loans.

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Priorities for the CFPB

AFR sent a letter to the CFPB commending their excellent work, and listing a set of issues that we feel should become priorities for the bureau in the future.

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AFR in the News: Getting Specific on Capital Requirements

The Dodd-Frank Act, Mike Konczal points out on (5/6/13), left it to regulators to decide how much capital banks must set aside. And U.S. regulators have ceded much of the task to the international panel of bank overseers working on the standards known as

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Talking Points

Confirm Richard Cordray as Director of the CFPB THE CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU’S WORK IS CRUCIALLY IMPORTANTThis is the agency created after the 2008 financial crisis to establish basic rules of fairness and transparency for mortgages, credit cards, student loans, auto loans, debt collection and

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AFR in the News: Foreign Banks Gear up to Pressure the Fed

The Federal Reserve has heard plenty from U.S. banks about what’s wrong with various proposed pieces of Dodd-Frank rulemaking. Now, according to Kate Davidson of Politico Pro (April 15), the Fed is “getting an earful from foreign banks and their regulators, too.”