Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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Joint Letter: Nominate Progressive Candidates to Financial Regulators

The need for strong public interest nominees is even greater today. This Administration has been
filling key regulatory positions with people pursuing Wall Street’s agenda at the public’s expense,
and the revolving door is spinning faster than ever. There is an enormous amount at stake at both
the SEC and FDIC as the financial industry and their friends in the Trump administration work to
undo the progress made in Dodd-Frank and to undermine key investor protection standards.

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Take On Wall Street Poll: Messaging the Financial Transaction Tax

A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, including solid backing for a Financial Transaction Tax, especially if it’s referred to as a “sales tax”.

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Letter to Congress: Oppose HR 4566

AFR sent a letter to the House opposing passage of HR 4566, which would eliminate stress testing of non-banks under Title 1 of the Dodd-Frank Act AFR floor oppo letter HR 4566

S 2155: A Gift to Wall Street!

Bipartisan majorities in the House and the Senate chose to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression by handing the bank lobby a package of deregulatory gifts, increasing the risks to financial stability and the likelihood of consumer abuse, including racial discrimination in lending. This legislation, signed into law on May 24, won’t serve families or communities, nor is it policy that most people support. But Wall Street and its friends in Congress had a tougher time than they ever expected because Americans who know better refused to let the bill pass without a fight.