Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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Make Markets Be Markets

Make Markets Be Markets: A Groundbreaking Conference Hosted by the Roosevelt Institute On March 3rd, the Roosevelt Institute gathered some of the nation’s leading financiers, economists, and former regulators to release a report outlining critical actions needed to reform the nation’s financial system. Watch the

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CFPA Rules Can Be Reviewed for Safety and Soundness Using the APA

This information is courtesy of AFR member the National Consumer Law Center: In the debate over the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), some have argued that an independent CFPA might issue rules that jeopardize bank safety and soundness. However, as with other agencies whose actions

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Ann Brown: CFPA is Essential to Consumers in Today’s Economy

Ann Brown, former Chair of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, recently submitted this Op-Ed to The Hill in support of a CFPA.  She says: As former chair of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, I know a product when I see one. Mortgages or

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MSNBC: Women Executives Work for Reform

Deborah Jackson, is one member of a group of businesswomen who went to Congress this week to speak on behalf of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency.  Watch Deborah’s interview below and learn more about the group here:

Consumers Demand Accountability: NCLR Delivers Petition Calling for a Strong CFPA

CONSUMERS DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY: NCLR Delivers Petition Calling for a Strong Consumer Financial Protection Agency Washington, DC—Fed-up consumers from throughout the nation got their message to Congress today when NCLR (National Council of La Raza), the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the

New Funny Or Die Video On The Need For Financial Reform

Video Kicks Off A Week Of Action By Americans for Financial Reform Unprecedented Gathering Of Actors Come Together For Video, “Presidential Reunion” First Time All SNL Presidents Come Together *** View Video Here and Below *** A new online video released today from the creators and

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Amendments from Senator Shelby

Posted below are Senator Shelby’s original amendments to the Senate Financial Reform Legislation. Shelby 126 Shelby 144 Shelby 145 Shelby 178 Shelby 182 Shelby 193 Shelby 234

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Treasury Department Signals Support for CFPA

In a recent speech to the Credit Union National Organization, Assistant Secretary Michael S. Barr talked about the Treasury Department’s support for a Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Click here to see the full speech, or click here for a summary of the major points.