Jonathan Mintz: The Top 10 Financial Products and Services that Must Be Regulated in 2010

2010 year calendar on white backgroung. Isolated 3D image

Jonathan Mintz, the Commissioner for the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, recently put out a list of the top 10 financial products and practices that he thinks should be covered in 2010.

This list comes as the result of the Cities for Financial Empowerment summit where Mintz was struck with the similarities between what he and other consumer affairs workers struggle with, and how easy it would be for a Consumer Financial Protection Agency to help these people who currently deal with foreclosures, credit card debt, and other bad loans.

His top ten items are as follows:

  1. Overdraft Protection
  2. Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs)
  3. Debt Collection
  4. Mortgage Loan Modification Services
  5. Check Cashers
  6. Debt Settlement Services
  7. Used Car Loans
  8. Payday Loans
  9. Car Title Loans
  10. Rent-to-Own Financing

Click here to read his full post.