Category Archives: Education Fund

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Report: Pirate Equity: How Wall Street Firms are Pillaging American Retail

New report revealing how in the last 10 years, a staggering 597,000 people working at retail companies owned by private equity firms and hedge funds have lost their jobs. An estimated additional 728,000 indirect jobs have been lost at suppliers and local businesses, meaning Wall Street’s gamble on retail has led to more than 1.3 million job losses in total.

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Joint Letter: Letter to HUD on FHA Loan Sales

AFR Ed Fund and six other organizations submitted these comments in response to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) on the FHA Single Family Loan Sale program. View or download pdf of the letter here.

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Letters to Regulators: Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund letter opposing the FDIC relaxing the process of resolution planning for Insured Depository Institutions

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund raised concerns over weakening resolution planning requirements intended to prepare large bank holding companies for an orderly resolution in conventional bankruptcy without risk to financial stability and without any reliance on extraordinary public support of the failed bank or its counterparties.

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News Release: In Comprehensive Official Comment Letter, Broad Coalition Rebukes Trump-Appointed CFPB Director’s Plan To Gut Payday Loan Rule

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund, as part of a coalition of civil rights, consumer, and labor groups, submitted an official comment letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau excoriating CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger’s proposal to gut a 2017 rule that was issued to stop payday loan debt traps. The coalition’s comment letter, submitted on the last day of the comment period, is a comprehensive rebuttal to Kraninger’s rationales for rolling back consumer protections on payday loans.