Category Archives: Fact Sheets and Reports

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Fact Sheet: Community Banks Are Alive And Well Under Dodd-Frank

“Community Banks Have Returned to Profitability: The percentage of community banks that are profitable has increased every year since 2009. Over the first half of 2015, almost 95% of the nation’s 5,880 community banks showed a profit. Return on Equity is Up: Overall profit (Return on Equity) at community banks has also increased every single year since 2009, reaching a healthy 8.9% so far in 2015.”

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AFR Briefing Paper: Myths and Realities of Large Regional Banks and the Dodd-Frank Act

In recent months there have been calls to roll back regulation of large regional banks – institutions that hold over $50 billion in assets but are not among the eight U.S. mega-banks with a global footprint. In response to unfounded claims about the treatment of large regional banks under the Dodd-Frank Act, AFR has sent a briefing paper to congressional staff as well as the press.

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Fact Sheet on CFTC Funding

Increased funding of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission is a crucial piece of Wall Street reform. Here’s why.

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Dangerous Liaisons: POGO Report Examines the SEC’s Revolving Door

View or download PDF. “Former employees of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) routinely help corporations try to influence SEC rulemaking, counter the agency’s investigations of suspected wrongdoing, soften the blow of SEC enforcement actions, block shareholder proposals, and win exemptions from federal law.”  

At a Crossroads: Lessons from HAMP

A new report from the National Consumer Law Center analyzes the record of the government’s main mortgage modification initiative, and where we go from here.

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AFR Briefing Memo: The Volcker Rule and Market Liquidity

The Volcker Rule and Market Liquidity The Volcker Rule will restrict banks’ ability to speculate in financial markets. Recently, critics of the rule have claimed that it will lead to declines in market liquidity that will have serious economic effects.  A new industry-funded study from