Roll Call: Coalition Battles Banking Lobby
Unions, Activists Unite on Reforms By Anna Palmer Roll Call Staff Nov. 4, 2009, 12 a.m. Watch out, banking lobbyists. Americans for Financial Reform believes it has your number.
Unions, Activists Unite on Reforms By Anna Palmer Roll Call Staff Nov. 4, 2009, 12 a.m. Watch out, banking lobbyists. Americans for Financial Reform believes it has your number.
By Jennifer Liberto. Excerpt: WASHINGTON ( — As Congress starts debating how to deal with financial firms deemed “too big too fail,” some lawmakers and advocates are worried about giving the executive branch expansive new powers over the financial sector. “Mr. Secretary, I’m not a
Americans for Financial Reform was mentioned in this article from Reuters. Excerpt: An umbrella group of consumer, community and civil rights groups, Americans for Financial Reform, said there was broad support for the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency and to regulate financial derivatives. The group
Press coverage of AFR launch 18 June 2009 The Hill Lobbyists dig in as Obama pushes financial overhaul By Silla Brush Posted: 06/16/09 07:27 PM [ET]–lobby/lobbyists-dig-in-as-obama-pushes-financial-overhaul-2009-06-16.html The Obama administration on Wednesday will unveil its wide-ranging proposal to remake the financial regulatory system, but lobbyists across
Watch NCRC’s C.O.O. Jim Carr discuss the politics of financial services reform and the launch of AFR in an interview with Bloomberg.