Category Archives: AFR in the News

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Marketplace: How Dodd’s Retirement Affects Reform

This story about Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement was on Marketplace on January 6th.  A quote from AFR featured on this segment is highlighted below. Heather BOOTH: We appreciate the leadership he’s provided and have never thought this was the time for politics. But the time

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Politico: ‘Big is bad’ catches on in Congress

A recent Politico article about “the populist angst aimed at Wall Street banks” talked about the growing strength of the movement to label big banks and institutions as bad for the country as a whole.  AFR’s Heather Booth was quoted in the article.  You can

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Stamford Plus: Connecticut and national leaders praise Dodd’s career, a Connecticut news source, published this article about local and national reactions to Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement and included a quote from AFR.  You can read the full article here. Heather Booth, Executive Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “We greatly appreciate Sen. Dodd’s years

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USAToday: Financial Sector Ups Lobbying Effort Over New Regulation Plan

Americans for Financial Reform was mentioned in this USAToday article.  Here is an excerpt: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent $2 million on advertising, including commercials slamming the creation of a federal consumer-protection agency, and plans to spend more, said David Hirschmann, CEO of

Scroogism Wrecking America

McClatchey News Service is distributing this op-ed by AFR’s ally Holly Sklar of Business for Shared Prosperity.  Here is an excerpt, courtesy of the Lexington Herald-Leader: The Scrooges of Wall Street were surprised a year ago by visits from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present

AFR Joins Call for AIG to Come Clean with Emails, Accounting

DATE: December 21, 2009 Documents and Financial Models; Taxpayers Have A Right To Know Washington, D.C. – Following an op-ed in Saturday’s New York Times by former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer, Professor Frank Partnoy and Professor William Black, today, Americans for Financial Reform joined

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City Desk: Tonight: Anti-Banker Caroling!

Tonight’s protest at Bank of America in Washington – and others planned around the country – were the subject of this article in the Washington City Paper.  Here’s an excerpt: The anti-fat-cat carols were the brainchild of Denise Bowyer, 53, an insurance exec from Mount

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ABC News: Goldman Protests Mount

This week’s bonus actions are making the airwaves.  Folks around the country are turning up to protest the huge bonuses going to top executives at the banks which sank our economy and are fighting hard against financial reform.  This story from ABC News is an