Category Archives: AFR in the News

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Durbin Voices Opposition to Delay Tactics

Melissa Kress/ Mar 25, 2011 Durbin Voices Opposition to Delay Tactics By Melissa Kress WASHINGTON — April 21 is the day the Federal Reserve is slated to release rules setting debit card swipe fees. But some lawmakers are not taking a wait-and-see-approach before trying to

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Debating Dodd-Frank: What’s in a Name?

By Arielle Bikard / Compliance Week One witness on the panel testifying before Congress, however, had some tart objections to all of the bills. Damon Silvers, policy director at the Federation of labor organizations AFL-CIO, who said he also spoke on behalf of Americans for

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Bank Lobby Splinters On CFPB Ahead Of Director Confirmation Deadline

By Zach Carter / Huffington Post “We agree,” Lisa Donner, the director of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of consumer groups advocating for stronger bank regulation, said in reference to Bachus’ comments. “With the work she is doing laying out a compelling vision of

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Durbin Vows to Fight Republican Funding Cuts for Regulators

BusinessWeek – Carter Dougherty Americans for Financial Reform, an umbrella group of labor unions, civil rights organizations and consumer advocates, arranged the conference call with Durbin, who also is chairman of the financial services subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee.   Click Here to Read

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House members spar over efforts to avert foreclosures

Los Angeles Times – Jim Puzzanghera Consumer advocates and political groups allied with Democrats also called Wednesday for continuing the modification effort and the other programs. “Proposals in the House to cut off help to distressed homeowners and communities amount to punishing families — again

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Civil Rights Groups: Lending Settlement Must Help Struggling Homeowners – Tyler Lewis “Restructuring unsustainable home loans is a win-win solution that will help families, help investors, boost the housing market, and create stimulus for the economy as a whole,” said AFR, in a February 17 statement. “Regulators have a tremendous opportunity, and responsibility,

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AFR Statement on OCC’s Obstruction of Foreclosure Solutions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: February 17, 2011 CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854 AFR Statement on OCC’s Obstruction of Foreclosure Solutions Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong financial reform, issued

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Consumer advocates: We need a nominee for CFPB head soon

Tobie Stanger, Consumer Reports January 21, 2011   President Obama needs to nominate someone for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau soon in order for the new agency to be up and fully functional by its planned July 21 launch six months from now, consumer advocates

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Consumer Advocates Want Obama to Name Watchdog Agency Chief

Consumer Advocates Want Obama to Name Watchdog Agency Chief By Ben Protess/NY Times Dealbook January 21, 2011 Six months after Congress created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, top consumer advocates praised the “significant progress” made by the watchdog bureau, while calling on President Obama to